Slightly disappointed

Half Monty done after TOS

Map 258 which is -1 or +4 depending on what you compare it to.
FTP200, which is -4 and it. Felt during TOS that my fitness was good and expected an increase

Well FF on Friday, see what that shows

Curious, did you take time off after TOS to recover? How long is TOS - only a couple of weeks? TOS looks “fun” (not enough quotes in the world for that) but is it expected to provide a boost? I am in one of the 12-weeks programs so I missed TOS but my numbers have been going up nicely in that one.

Answering only the parts with generic answers

7 days this year (some years longer)

Yes, no, maybe… There are three options for ToS, which all provide different “difficulties”. It’s not exactly formulated as a training plan though, it’s an event.
The “Focused” setting should provide a boost for most people, but not necessarily all and the amount of recovery you require afterwards will vary both from person to person and with the version of ToS you took on too.


In previous years it has boosted my figures.
I follow the post tour plan.
Last week was not too hard

Let us know how your FF goes tomorrow - hopefully you see some better numbers.

Like @Jon said, ToS is an event, not a training. If you’re taking it too hard, it could actually have zero impact on progression. (i.e. you need so much time to recover that it negates the training effect)

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