Storming the Castle with PW (Streaming Event) #CastleGuide

Wow, @Isa, such an awesome reply and so much to unpack.

First, the most important part: Yes! Yes! And Yes. I would be honoured to help you kick off your birthday in style. :slight_smile: I’d love your company.

Thank you for your believe in my success. I think you have even more than I do. :wink:


You’re gonna do a whole bunch of videos to hype this up before the actual event right? It wouldn’t be a @Pierre special without some pre event videos!!! You might even be able to get some other members of the community to star in them! :joy:


I’m only planning on doing one teaser/trailer for the actual event - small stuff.
Still waiting for baby Grunter to show up, so time will probably be on short supply soon.
Then the stream. And then a few fun things over the summer (to be announced).

For the most part I’m trying to come up with ways to make the 13-hour stream interesting.

The rest of your comment… Psst. :shushing_face: Videos with the community are my big plan for ToS '22 and it will probably take the better half of the second part of this year to do.
Last ToS my “production time” was about two month. This time I will give all of you and myself a more generous six month. I work sloooow.
Some ideas involve the SufferBosses to give the green light first, more on that way lazer…
(Edit: Should read „later“ but it‘s too good to edit).

I’m going through a whole filming/editing course on the side. Hopefully it will bring a bit more quality to the table.

I’m very happy to read between the lines that you are my first volunteer. :wink:


You get an A+ for reading :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Update for today, here and in 1st post:

Time added with time zone support and calendar integration (hopefully working):
Add this event to your: Google or Apple and Microsoft Calendar.

Guest-List created on Google Docs (lets see if it works):
→ Click Here ← to go to the Google Docs “Guest List” and write your Forum-Name in the Guest-Slot at the end of the sheet. Oh, and please don’t destroy my file in then process, you are the editor. :slight_smile: Tricky on phone, btw.

It’s a first try.

I appreciate feedback. It’s all new to me.


Have tossed my name in there in a couple of slots, but I can be scratched off one if you end up with too many guests.
“Have fun storming the castle!”
(Miracle Max…The Princess Bride)


I have picked a couple of workouts, but I can swap if it turns out you have workouts without guest
Will be great :volcano:

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I was thinking long and hard about which charity to dedicate my attempt to.
And to be honest, to no big result. There is one other cause I have a private connection to but it would take too much effort to funnel it into a proper charity event.

The DPF really impressed me with the work they are doing and the way they are doing it.

When in doubt, go with a classic: DAVIS PHINNEY FOUNDATION


I’m down for Defender. I really really really hate that GvA forsaken ride. Really.


Awesome. Looking forward to rolling into the castle together.
We love to hate defender, don’t we. :wink:


Speak for yourself punk! :joy:



Hahaha. Ok, ok.



Well look at that: ISLAGIATT (possibly my favorite video so far) kicks off just at the right time for an early morning workout. One bottle of coffee and another of water: here I come.


Wow, this is tricky. Put myself into a few slots based on the time I usually ride assuming I have my time zone right during daylight savings time. So, may change, but I’m hoping to stick to those if I can. It may be early, but getting up early has to be easier that’s riding 10 in a row, right? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I‘ll join you on my home turf in the Swiss Alps :mountain_snow:


That made me laugh out loud.

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I am stoked for my 9H slot!

And while I pulling for you to crush Blender, if you end up substituting Butter at number 9, then I am all in for that as well.

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Ron Burgundy shall join the posse

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good decision; perfect choice :slight_smile:


Excellent, @ronburgundy. Love it. By the time my quest finally starts, the minions will have made your knighthood official and you are properly equipped to show me the way.

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