Storming the Castle with PW (Streaming Event) #CastleGuide

How’s the ‘newest’ Sufferlandrian?? Heading into your quest sleep deprived shall only magnify the glory. So look forward to suffering with you and your ‘legion’ of followers. If u have half as much ‘fun’ as I did, the misery shall be worth it!

Maybe I’m too much of a dreamer, but I think it will all be fine. :slight_smile:

Quick status update:
For everybody who is wondering why I announced all of this so far ahead of time. Well, for one, to give me a goal to work towards to in these “troubled” (but very fun) times.
AND, because I’m working on a small sponsorship deal to accompany my quest. I really hope it works. Stay tuned…

Additionally, I decided to treat myself to a retül bike fitting to prepare for the long sessions in the saddle. Hopefully I will secure a spot at my trusted shop in april.

Oh, and there is this little thing that takes up a bit of my time…


Chapeau the retul. After 10 years riding the same specs they raised my seat a WHOLE cm! And Voila…instant power surge!


Are you sure your #9 on the plan (9.Chasing Legends) is part of the KoS llisted videos?

I’m ready to reveal an update:

Storming the Castle with PW is now sponsored by Dos Caballos.

Dos Caballos makes excellent bikewear created in Freiburg, Germany.
Check them out:

What does that mean for YOU, dear viewer?

DOS CBS will provide the main prize for the raffle accompanying my event.
YOU can win a sized-to-winner bike jersey, bib shorts and socks combo.

How can YOU win?

Stay tuned. All will be revealed in time.


Ha. Brilliant.
Enjoy the ride when it comes @Pierre - sorry can’t join you :frowning:

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Great news!
I can’t help it, as a native English speaker I now have this sudden urge to reread Don Quixote.
I should get out more… Oh right, except we don’t do that anymore :joy:


That’s too bad. Who knows, it’s so far in the future that plans change.
Anyway, you can still win the prize.

How to Win! Win! Win!:

Each $10 donation for the DPF through my donation page will earn you one chance in the prize pool. (If you helped me raise $10, you have one chance. If you donated $20, you get 2 chances etc…)

Starting now! Until the 17th of May.

On the 17th of May, two days after the event, I will pick a winner at random.
(Please make sure I have a way to contact you. Either by DPF entered email, forum or Facebook).


whispers psst, Pierre it’s a “prize” :+1:


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:confounded: I just went on a big editing-spree in this topic. I don‘t know what you are talking about. :wink:

But thank you very much!

No hablo inglés.


Funny you should say that about Don Quixote. There used to be a picture that featured prominently on the Knighthood planning page and I stole it to create my quest poster a couple years back (I’m not very literary though and have never actually read it :slight_smile: )


I absolutely love this!

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Lol! I’ve tilted at a few windmills since then :slight_smile:


…Men of La Mancha, o my!!

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How do you get this? where?! Asking for a friend :stuck_out_tongue:

Love it!

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That gives a new meaning to blanket donations. Will give you a good blanketing.

I just signed up as a guide through ISLAGIATT. I hope it will seem as good an idea then too.
BTW: You are aware that all the fancy stuff you do around your knighthood attempt really raises the bar for future attempts, aren’t you?
Really looking forward to it.


Hah, first I need to succeed, otherwise the bells and whistles won‘t raise any bar. :slight_smile:

Oh, and your post reminds me there‘s still a ton of work to be done.

Glad you can join. I‘m really looking forward to the whole thing, too.
You know, maybe it’s even easier for you to ring my doorbell than to dial into the stream. :wink:

For some reason I confused May with March (Don’t ask) hopefully this time I’ll join! and I have no excuse to not join, because I will be on holidays (Staycation :P)

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