Thankful for yoga sessions

I had one of my hardest outdoor rides yesterday (my first time on a road group ride), and I must say today how grateful and appreciative I am of the yoga sessions and what I have learned. Two sessions + a few extra favorite positions have really restored me. It feels very good in the usual muscles, but also, I feel like it has helped clear out the fog of over-reaching from my mind. And miraculously, that is despite lots of interferences and noise about the house!

Thank you again to Abby Carver, Yoga15, Sufferfest, and Wahoo for continuing to promote this and challenge us to have better lives (not just better metrics!).

P.S. Though for sure once there is a power meter for yoga, I plan to crush you all with my huge numbers. wink


Yep i second this…Yoga before and after most rides has really helped me.:+1:

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