ToS Stage 4 - OPEN! Official Thread

Stage 4 felt OK today and really looking forward to Norway tomorrow - will be good to switch to race mode and immerse into the VID. I think the last 2 stages will be very tough.


Some of us are reading this procrastinating for Stage 5. :wink:


Stage 4 complete! yes. Did Half Is Easy in level mode as my Elite trainer when I did this ride before died before I did. Still getting to the cadence did get me to the power level, but around 14/20 on the 2nd round and the extra seconds on the last one was a challenge. Liked G.O.A.T. for the photography, Sir Mike’s commentary, and a place unlikely to ever visit as much as I may want to. Don’t know why, but the low cadence/power almost seemed enjoyable after Half is Easy


Just get it done…the pedals won’t turn themselves :+1:


Well 3 stages down and thinking that it was quite easy so far . That was until I hit HIE. I still managed it but very nearly needed a bucket :face_vomiting: However moving on to GOAT was a relief. One of my favourite rides. The video for that one carries you though.


I was dreading this one, especially at Nuclear levels. I spent half the day actively pretending I didn’t have to do Stage 4 this evening. Then I stomped around as I got ready. Then I sighed deeply and clambered on the saddle, ready to suffer and prepared to survive.

And then I fucking LOVED Half is Easy. This photo is my shocked joy at the end of it. Spent the whole ride grinning. According to the 4DP I’m a sprinter, so this is in my wheelhouse, but still!

GOAT was … OK. Definitely not my jam, but I was riding the HIE-high. I faltered in the final interval and had to stand for a few seconds to catch up with ERG mode, and jeeeeesus there were times when I wanted Mike Cotty to shut the **** up as I ground it out, but all in all, a good stage for me.


My understanding is the targets are adjusted based on your profile so they will vary from person to person.

Done and nuclearised.

I had never done HIE before and TOTALLY underestimated it. I lost count at about the 5th interval. How I felt at theend is not how I like to be 60 seconds before starting GOAT (my nemesis workout because of the super low cadences).

In the end I got through, I’m just hoping I recover well for tomorrow as I want to hit Norway with the effort it deserves. Very excited.

More than half way everyone - keep going!


One other point before I hit the painshakes.

HIE ends with a quick vid about World Bicycle Relief. That was a great breath of fresh air.

In the middle of a tour that’s raising money for a good cause like the DPF, especially whilst still in the middle of the covid pandemic 5#1tshow it was really good to bring things back to reality a little. We all have our own circumstances, struggles and demons, but right now we’re fortunate to be able to sit on a bike and stare at a screen in the name of someone else. Seeing that video certainly make me realise how lucky I am to have an expensive smart trainer and carbon road bike, just to sit there and stare at my laptop.

Perspective is important.

And so is suffering, pain and glory, of course. Onward!


Done and nuclearised.
I had an issue with erg mode in the middle of the second part of half, power had not been reduced after 15” and stayed high till the following sprint, I switched to level for a couple of sprint and back to nuclear in erg.
With GOAT no problems.

Looking forward for the new stage tomorrow in Norway.


Surprised myself with HIE and put the targets back up to 100% for the second set. GOAT however, I usually find reasonably straight forward, but today, it was AWFUL. Grim grim grim.

Food and a 5am start to go to Norway before work tomorrow. Fun fun fun.

@David.McQuillen.KoS I hope the goat suit wasn’t too awful?!


I am the exact opposite of you.
I hate Half is Easy, but G.O.A.T is not a problem.
In fact, I always wave to the Laser Goats as I go by.


@heretic we should swap then – I’ll do your HIE, you do my GOAT. Teamwork, right?


You wear it well.

Stage 4 was great for me. After repeated beatdowns on Stage 3 I was worried but HIE was no problem and I climbed aboard G.O.A.T. and enjoyed the ride.

Really looking forward to tomorrow’s Nordic excursion.


Tonight went better than planned for HIE - I was somewhat nervous to tackle it with new & improved 4DP figures. I think the frequency of the intervals means you almost have to switch off and just go with it. Shift > sprint > shift > “recover” and repeat lots.

GOAT is my cup of a tea but I completely run out of gears on my dumb Road Machine. To hit the power targets (especially the ones over FTP at 50 to 60 RPM), I end up ~10 RPM over the target even in big/little.

I’ve dug my recovery tights out the cupboard to see if they help get over the usual soreness from GOAT, especially with Norway scheduled for pre-breakfast tomorrow!


Stage 4 finished. Managed HIE 100%, but on goat the 50rpm bits were too much. I have to admit, these low intensity videos get old pretty fast, since you can actually watch the videos unlike in high intensity ones. So opted to run Sufferfest minimized and put on Biathlon World Championships since that was happening.

Hybrid option would be to have your own music, but since in Sufferfest the music is on same track as voice track there is no option to have the narration without music on. But then again maybe it is the narration bit that that i was tired of… hmm.


Completed and still in … Just, but still in.
After all the time with Grunter getting me to pedal at 90 now 50rpm…how hard to pedal slow. Ugh!


Well, I’m feeling much better about myself after that. First stage I’ve managed to get through without having to reduce settings partway through.

HIE was fine on focused, possibly slightly helped by trainer being a bit slow at ramping up power on ERG, but I’ll ignore that little bonus. It was hard work, but not ‘half’ as bad as I feared it would be.

Second time doing GOAT, but first time with smart trainer. Last time on dumb trainer, I was guessing cadence and will have been far higher than target. Today, at those super low cadences, it was tough, a real grind. But I made it, even at the 100% focused option seemed to give me. Making me wonder about switching to nuclear for Norway…


That’s about all I have left to say. I kept the low cadence for GOAT and thankfully my fluid trainer won’t let me reach the power targets. Definitely in need of a bigger break right now. And sleeeeeep.
tarmac of ribbon anyone?!