ToS Stage 4 - OPEN! Official Thread

This is my first ToS. I am doing the Focused option but might do the last three nuclear. Stage 4 was great. (after my legs warmed up 1/3rd the way through HIE). I really liked GOAT although I prefer higher cadences. I will need a new trainer with more resistance (Kinetic Road Machine currently) if my FTP goes up much higher and I want to hit the cadence targets on GOAT. I am looking forward to the stairs not hurting so much anymore though.


I meant ‘standing’ ala Mike Coty! (does he even have a ssaddle??)

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SUF: Stay seated, grind at a low cadence.

SUF: Be the stillness.

Mike Cotty: >Standing and pedaling at a high cadence< What?


Last meal. Going in, see you on other side. I will start 100% to maximize suffering and the rpm targets in GOAT will get thrown out of window, if legs won’t co-operate after HIE.

Positioned ANT+ dongle as close to my Neo as possible to minimize connection issues in HIE. Many times in past i have had 5-10sec extra intervals/ extra recovery. Let’s see how it goes this time.


OK, then. What the heck was the deal with 40 ugly 15s? Who thinks this stuff up? Evil. Positively Evil.

First time for both workouts. Happy to keep GOAT in the rotation, particularly if we get to see a battle between the laser goats and the Swiss Fighting Cows.

Half, on the other hand, twasn’t Easy at all. Will only return at gunpoint. Or other threat of bodily harm.

I’ve done a half hour of Yin Yoga after each stage. Remarkable benefit. Yin Yoga has you hold stretching poses for 2 minutes each. Works really well.

Onward! You all are amazing!


Finished stage 4, nuclear so far, the remaining 3 stages too :muscle:

HIE was bad, but doable… GOAT was ok
90 minutes gravelbike in the morning was working fine for me

For the Sufferlandrians that still have start stage 4, rush it


I can hammer along at sweet spot at 80-100 RPM for a long while, no issues. But grinding for 2 mins at a time at 50 RPM absolutely wrecks me. I am 100% taking advantage of the 50 hour window to squeeze in a rest day today. Back at it tomorrow!


Halfway through the first set of sprints, I badly wanted to quit – or just loop on the video of the cat. After the first set, I was sure I couldn’t do 20 more sprints. Somehow I managed, even on very poor sleep last night.

Oddly after HIE, G.O.A.T. felt almost like recovery.

Also, according to the numbers I burned through my entire anaerobic capacity and then some during the second set of HIE – which I suppose means that my FTP is set too low, my anaerobic capacity is higher than I think, or both. I may have to endure the agony of HIE again right after a fresh FDP test to stress my capacity.


Yay, stage 4 complete. Was super happy to have the G.O.A.T. on todays agenda. This is one of my favorites, great scenery and super fan of Mike Cotty! But I must say have not done it after something like 1/2 is Easy…my legs are tired!!! I will definitely be doing a little recovery yoga today!!! :woman_in_lotus_position:


Well that was an interesting experience. As a relative newbie, I opted for the just get me through it option, which set AC at 88% for HIE. With the intensity decrease, it felt more like “Three-Quarters is Easy”. Stuck to the program, as GOAT was the first workout set at 100%. Maybe the program knew something that I didn’t? Pleased to say that I nailed the sucker and am feeling great. May tempt the fates tomorrow and up Norway to 100%.


Feel like I fought Sanetch special cows and lost…

100% for the focused option today which was tough.


I really enjoyed the chill music in Half is Easy … about as chill as a cruise on the Great Lactic Acid sea … G.O.A.T. was good until the last climb when I was charged by a Sufferlandrian Wildebeast shortly after the Sanetch special cow discussion… on to Norway!


Same here with my %’s.

At the beginning of Half is Easy, my legs felt dead. I wasn’t sure how I was going to make it thru. I started with the 88% then dialed it down to 85% after about 5 intervals. It’s amazing how much 3 small percents mattered! The rest was rough, but I made it thru. Half is Easy always seems harder than expected at the start and then i can never catch up thru the first set. But then after that long recovery I steel my mind and then power thru the second set feeling stronger.

G.O.A.T. at 100% on tired legs was definitely a mental game. That 1 minute recovery never felt like enough. I tried to spin over 85rpm for every recovery. Starting with the 3rd interval I was on the ropes for the last minute of all the remaining intervals. Usually ended up with my eyes closed counting my rpm’s just to get me thru them. But, I made it thru.


Now I’ve got my compression socks on and drinking a protein smoothie. Gotta recover for Norway, tomorrow!



Joy. Leg day. 'cause who doesn’t love that after 9H and FC?

First time on both of these rides for me again. So HiE was…devious. I literally felt those 3-second-shorter “recoveries” on the second set. Legs were pretty gassed from FC, so was not relishing this effort. And looking forward, G.O.A.T. got in my head, thinking how tired the legs were for a hillclimb effort. But…

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: the :goat: :goat: :goat:! My God I have such a man crush on Switzerland. How awesome is that scenery?!? And to have an actual, focused training ride, mid-tour, turned out really well for me. Being tired really made me concentrate on pedaling smooth circles. I learned my core is pretty good, and that my quads are over-developed related to my hamstrings - on those high-torque spins, I learned I really don’t start engaging my hamstrings well in a pull-stroke until my quads are tired out enough to give up some of the work. So stage 4 down and learned something! A good day.



Anyone else just reading every single post here to procrastinate getting on the bike for HIE and GOAT? Just me? :grimacing:


Ok that was really hard. I suffered for sure. And its my birthday - my wife said I’m crazy for doing this today. But its 9AM now and I’m done and its behind me thankfully. I’m excited to experience Norway tomorrow.



That stage was harder than I thought it was going to be for sure! Have never done HIE.Hey Sir Dave, the music at the end of HIE is that from the same band that did Friday Night Lights? Missed the name because my eyes were closed dreaming of my post workout pancakes!


You’re not supposed to put the sock on your head.

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Good day today, HIE and G.O.A.T are 2 of my favourites so actually quite enjoyed them both, there is something meditative just grinding out low and slow.


It helps soak up the SUF holy water so I can use it in my lactic acid smoothies afterward.