Tour of Sufferlandria 2014 is on the calendar! Who's in?

I think it is a language thing @Tiago_Branco. I was being totally sarcastic which is always hard to tell in text. I put the laughing emoji after my comment as a way to convey that.

Calling someone “noble” is in no way disrespectful. It’s a very nice thing to say about someone. My bad joke was that people don’t usually say nice things about me :joy::joy::joy:


I totally understood Sir @Glen.Coutts , appreciated it and tried to keep the joke going! #goodvibesonly. Just in case, just in case, I also resorted to emoji so that there were no doubts.

I find this Sufferfest uniqueness that you mentioned in another post very interesting and very funny, this very serious playfulness, because for monotonous seriousness, coexistence with civilians is enough… :stuck_out_tongue:

But as english is not my native language, on doubt, give me credit :slight_smile:


Well dang it then!!! It was me who misinterpreted you. I’ll report myself to flogging station #16.


They should just name it after you at this point, Sir @Glen.Coutts



If I am understanding the request correctly, you would like to count Full Frontal as Stage 1 of ToS 2014. As the Directeur Sportif for this retro event, I would find that acceptable. The other requirements remain intact however. Each successive ride must be completed in the allotted 50 hour window in the proper order.

Welcome to ToS 2014. As for 2015, it is tentatively penciled in for late April.


You remain a beast, Sir.




Revolver is in the books. Like the Trick, I came in a bit above 100%. I will see if can make up the shortfall from ISLAGIATT yesterday to end up at or above TFF & IF totals for the whole tour.

Hell Hath No Fury tomorrow.

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Prior to Defender, this was my most hated workout so of course it had to be in my Knighthood quest.

Keep it up Sir! The nation is behind you!!



Oh look, a room of people doing z2 workouts.


in ERG mode. On Zwift.


Thank you very much for the acceptance and for the welcome Sir @Critmark . I will do my best, and deliver all my confort to honor the Sufferlandrian spirit and awaken the sources of lactic acid in me.

So i am in. Wonder who may have tought that it seemed a good idea.

Where was i thinking. Felt really tough on the final attacks to the end.
But i am in. What a wonderful and blessed creation Sufferfest is!


Hard start, but it’s just starting

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happy to find the reference to a cult band from my adolescence at a time when i was still looking at the screen on recovery and read :))

@David.McQuillen.KoS thank you so much.

I risk answering with

We’ll crucify the insincere tonight
We’ll make things right, we’ll feel it all tonight
We’ll find a way to offer up the night
The indescribable moments of your life
The impossible is possible tonight
Believe in me as I believe in you

Hail hail

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Hell Hath no Fury done, “yesssss!”
Legs are getting heavy (and we’re not even halfway there yet)

Hail Hail!


Keep it up folks. In the spirit of Tours gone by (and future too), let’s see some suffer faces :slight_smile:


It’s been a hectic few days. The rains caused a creek 400 feet from our home to overflow so we were on an evacuation watch. Then my 14 year old Border Collie had a stroke, her second in six months. Then our range decided to give up the ghost and we needed to get a new one ASAP. Between all that running around it wreaked havoc with my cycling schedule.

But thanks to the 50 hour window for each stage, I have been able to keep on track within the rules. Just finished Stage 5.

I don’t remember these rides being this hard but in looking back, they were done on older numbers or last done on my Knighthood in June. The latter were dialed back for the quest.

I am making it through, occasionally having to dial it back a bit. My legs are toast. The suffering is as bad as memory serves. But I will finish, and then on to the next.


Thank you Sir @Glen.Coutts much appreciated

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that’s determination Sir @Critmark I hope the worst is over, some luck for what is still needed. May your collie be happy with you for a while longer and your Torture chamber stay flood dry, water only from sweat!

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GADS! Not that I wish any of this on you, @Critmark, but in some weird way I’m comforted to know it’s not just me… :white_check_mark:house :white_check_mark:pets :white_check_mark:family. January has been a punch in the gut.

Hope all are well and safe. Hoping all your suffering stays on the bike.