Today it was the spirit of ToS that made me gain strength to pedal! yesterday I had a sore throat and a dull body, and with a long day I couldn’t pedal. I was left to rest and trust that the Angels would treat me well. Today felt better, but body still wanting rest but I didn’t want to miss the stage window, so it had to be. It was the worst Angels in my history, but it’s done! Thank you!
I petitioned multiple countries for asylum given the cruelty of Stage 8 but they all refused on the grounds that Sufferlandrians and I quote “Those Guys Be Crazy”. So on I go, into the abyss.
Feeling much better and recovered today, i am thinking about trying (i know, i know, pardon me for using this blasphemous word) doing stage 6 and 7 today, to get back on the calendar and have the weekend to grand finalize this beautiful Suffering.
Sounds like a walk in the park. Well assuming the park is on top of a tall mountain…and you had to ride your bike up the mountain to get there…and…never mind, it’s nothing like a walk in the park. But you got this anyway.
This ToS revival turned into a battle on two fronts. In addition to the challenge itself, honourable, glorious ans painfull enough, this one is having an extra rollercoaster ride on my immune system.
After feeling much better yesterday during the day and even fantasizing about doing stages 6 and 7 in a row, to make up for the lost day and “save” the weekend for the grandiose stages 8 and 9, by the end of the day reality revealed itself quite different and the discomfort appeared again with force.
didn’t really feel like riding, but I was on the edge of the window and the humble Sufferlandrian wannabe in me didn’t want to fail.
There was nothing of local heroism, it was quite difficult to maintain the indicated cadences, until I really couldn’t keep with it, just resisting and kept going on.
In the last two of four final sprints I was caught by cramps in the calves…
But there is undoubtedly , to me at least, a kind of special romanticism in doing this vintage video, amost like traveling in time.
Loved it ! (After done)
Thank you Sir Stuart @Critmark