Wahoo X June Challenge - GRVL

Ok…HOW can you climb a mountain in Z1, Sir?!?

(And I loved climbing around Innsburck, fwiw! Did Brenner Pass a couple of times - which I got to replicate in Zwift, so that was fun!)


It’s fun riding around Innsbruck when it’s not available at an upper Z1 pace. I’m recovering from something nasty that attacked my colon. I won’t get into details but the pain level beats anything the Sufferfest dealt me.


I assume you mean you have resistance turned off so you can ride in level mode at any pace.

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I did the two shorter rides as a combo this evening - Fursa as an easy spin/warmup and then I cranked up the intensity for The Meaning of Ride and did it more as a threshold workout. It worked pretty good as a quick hit, especially given that I didn’t have a lot of time to ride tonight.

And FWIW, I really enjoyed the individual stories in The Meaning of Ride, especially J.R.'s.


Hi. For some reason at the very end of FURSA, it does not really stop (seems to be in a loop) and you can’t save it (this is on a PC). Done it 3 times, same result - other workouts work well. Anybody else had this problem?

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@matwoelfl I think I have seen something similar. Did you try to pause the workout and then save? The workout player is definitely due for a replacement.


I have never had this happen and I also run a PC. I guess I have been lucky.

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I very rarely see this on both Windows and Android, more often with Yoga than Cycling. It seems random, I did not experience it with Fursa this time. Hit pause and then save.


Thanks for creating the monthly challenge.
I was critical about the lack of a challenge in May.
Having a goal, even for a virtual medal, is enough motivation on some days.
Completed the new inspiration and really enjoyed it. Great for recovery.


Hi there! It sounds frustrating to be stuck in a loop at the end of FURSA.

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Congrats to everyone who completed the GRVL June Challenge!
No onto the summer challenge: Proven in the Peloton