@BobbyB Check out this thread on Full Frontal. Getting the test right takes some practice.
@BobbyB Probably pretty normal. Have you checked out the Mental Toughness videos? There is some goal setting in the second one I believe and a workbook to write down ultimate, monthly, weekly goals. Sort through that and then pick out a plan that makes sense with respect to your goal.
The transition up plan might be a good one to start and then perhaps something like all purpose road from there. Strength, yoga and mobility are worth integrating into the plans. If you want to crank through neuromuscular work you need a strong core. I do a yoga and mobility workout every day and strength a couple of times a week - less during deload weeks.
The upside is that you will likely make gains pretty quickly if you stay compliant with the plan and also get proper rest and nutrition.
Good luck!