What's next for Systm?

what does it say? it blurs out a few seconds after I open it


It’s behind a paywall. It doesn’t say anything, really, about WahooX/SYSTM. The article is more about the virtual sims that are out there or apps that otherwise engage multi-users (so Peleton, Zwift, Rouvy, TPvirtual etc).


I infer from the article that the future is not great for SYSTM

It has nothing going for it that has given the major players an advantage (money invested, marketing, user base, etc.). The best case scenario would be for somebody to buy it from Wahoo. If Wahoo, however, continues to remove the “suffer” from the Sufferfest videos, I would image the acquisition value would not be great.


I think you’ve nailed it in terms of lack of investment both human and financial as well as either a failure to market it or an ineffectual marketing strategy or both.

They’ve got a unique product at a very competitive price point that holds a unique position in the space but seem completely clueless on what to do with it (though they’ve gotten VERY good at alienating their global existing users, while simultaneously ignoring a broader market base outside the U.S.).


Unfortunately, I have to agree with both you and @Heretic. It’s still a good product with some engaging videos. However, other products are improving and Wahoo is alienating its customers and potential customers. Very unfortunate.


I’m not a programmer, but I can imagine that the cost of running Systm would be significantly lower than applications that offer a “virtual world” (e.g. Zwift, Rouvey). Systm is basically just a workout player with video? The licensing costs for video/music can’t be huge either.

I also don’t think that “turning away” from Sufferfest is such a terrible idea. Of course you’re alienating a long-standing and loyal customer base. But I could imagine that “Sufferlandria” could be a brake on growth. To be honest, it can be a big barrier to entry if you don’t know all the lore and have to ask yourself who the “Grunter” is, for example, during your first training sessions. Also, the humor is a matter of taste and may be a little off-putting for some people. But I don’t really know the market well enough to judge that. These are just my thoughts.

I think Wahoo’s lack of “AI” support is a much more serious problem in the long run. If you look at what Join offers in terms of adaptive training, Systm is still missing a lot.


What might/could have been a good idea to develop the IP would be a couple of workouts to “welcome” (or lull into a false sense of security) new citizens of Sufferlandria as part of a SYSTM onboarding process. A hard effort in the foothills of Mt Sufferlandria, a recovery in the golden fields of Agonia followed by a MAP effort on the shores of the Lactic Sea etc etc, prehaps with a (falsely) reassuring voice-over by Sir Mike explaining history, custom and lore… a “On-Location” set in our great land (…”and here’s flogging station No.4”…)

As a fairly new citizen I did have to ask on this forum what IWBMATTKYT and TUHNTF meant; and I had a dig around the OG Sufferfest site via the Internet Archive to revel in our proud history. Everyone is so very helpful!

But I came here for the hard work, having recalled a random post from a colleague on FB mentioning their trepidation at a forthcoming ToS from the before days. And I hope I’ll never leave.


you can never leave.

I like your idea of a “welcome” video. No Place Like Home is sorta kinda like that. I just did it yesterday and it ALWAYS makes me chuckle.


That’s a true masterpiece.


Definitely agree that SYSTM is so poorly marketed and presented. Having recently spent some time on FulGaz (trial period) and ROUVY (extended trial period, then another, and then subscribed for a month,) I can say that both of them do far more marketing than I ever saw done with SYSTM. I still get emails from FulGaz though I never paid them anything, and if I were using it, these would at least help give some ideas to try. ROUVY has done even more, and there’s no getting around the fact that they both know how to present some excitement and enthusiasm for their platforms.

That’s the LEAST that should be happening with ANY cycling app worth it’s salt. And I STILL BELIEVE that none of them have nearly as much to offer as SYSTM does. I know many of you believe this too, though some think SYSTM is just best as a TRAINING platform.
I have to differ with that perspective. I think it’s also the most ENTERTAINING as well, even though I recognize that it absolutely NEEDS TO ADD MORE CONTENT, and in various areas.
Mike Cotty ought to be fully employed adding as many On Location vids as he’s willing to do, in my opinion, including some LONG RIDES at endurance pace that can entertain us when we’re stuck inside for a stretch and want a multi-hour effort that isn’t a NoVid.
I’ve personally enjoyed the ProRides that I’ve done, and ALL the Sufferfest vids ought to be saved and available, even if they are redone. That’s MY opinion, anyway. Some things you just don’t throw away! (My garages prove my sincerity.:roll_eyes:)

ROUVY tried to push me into several specific rides designed to initiate me into their platform but I was only partly willing to go along because I’m not looking to ride inside very often, but at least they had a plan in that regard.

I think SYSTM can do so much more than it does (and, yes, I know, it does send out some emails to promote some of the events, etc., but I’ll just say I never found them to generate any real enthusiasm on my part. They FELT too much like promotion and not enough like excitement.

I’m stuck in the house for a while after a recent snow to freezing rain to snow storm, and nothing is going to melt anytime soon here in the Virginia mountains.
So after my recent post about being HOME AGAIN, I think it behooves me to take Sir Glen’s advice and do NO PLACE LIKE HOME today. I checked and saw that I’ve never done it, so… off I go to the KICKR Bike!


Sooooooo good!!!


While browsing the forum topics—reactions to the remastered workouts, inspiration threads, the Tour announcement, the Escape Collective article where SYSTM is barely mentioned—and after watching “Laps Tasmania,” where the disclaimer reads:

It got me wondering: why not include a similar preamble in Sufferfest videos?

Going further, how can we make SYSTM more appealing to a broader audience?

Nowadays, with MKV containers and similar formats, a video is essentially just a mix of video and audio streams, and overlay layers with text. Why not have multiple text layers in different languages, selectable via a setting in the app?

Audio (for yoga, strength training, or Mike Cotty’s iconic “hop hop hop”) might pose more challenges, but when it comes to text, modern tools, and perhaps the validation of generous community members, should make this feasible, right?

This could significantly expand the user base to include non-English speakers, at least those not put off by the “hooliganism”. Speaking of which, I noticed that Wahoo is hiring a Senior Brand Manager. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to select a passionate and persuasive European advocate who understands the value of a nickname rebrand? :slight_smile:

I know translation has been requested before (without success or reaction), but here is the cunning plan : why not offer Sufferlandrian as a selectable language option—where the videos would stay true to their original spirit?


Yep! I did No Place Like Home as my warmup (and a little more) ride. It’s a keeper! Not gonna bump RECHARGER out of my personal favorite ranking, but it’s definitely a great ride for similar purpose, perfect if you just want a half hour energizer ride that’s fun, won’t drain you, but won’t let you sleep through it, either!

I followed that up with another SUFFERFEST vid, WHO DARES, which I also had never done. Another great workout. Really enjoyed the mix of cadences and I needed that AC and NM work, as well as the FTP focus.
Well designed and crafted workouts like this are exactly what motivate me to meet the targets and do the work! I always come away from these feeling good about having pushed myself and achieving a level of output and effort I probably wouldn’t have done on my own. WHO DARES is a keeper.



Well well well - New Sufferfest video upcoming for the tour!! I never thought we’d see the day! This’ll be the first since Francois’ departure so will be very very interesting to see how it compares to the other later vids which have become instant faves (No Place Like Home, Recharger, plus the Model really should be talked about more, it’s absolutely top drawer :heart_eyes:)

Can’t wait to see what it’s like! Great news though, I’m delighted to see some movement (albeit glacial :wink:)


I do like the older videos too but the most recent ones really raised the bar.


I recently rode a cadence build workout where there’s now music (before you were instructed to play your own stuff).
Now Sir Francois is no longer responsible, I had low expectations and still came away disappointed… I played my own stuff after the first cadence drill.


but did you reach 200 rpm?


What’s the playlist? The one in the workout I mean :smiley:, but you can give us yours too.

Sir Glen, I wish I could go up to 200, but the Core goes back to 0 when I reach 180, and i lost my magnetic cadence tracker years ago on the road, so I’ll never know.


not sure what was playing - I’d call it elevator music…
Instead I put on The Prodigy - The Fat of the Land

My Kickr Core drops to around 50rpm once I exceed 160rpm, so no record of exceeding the magic 200rpm.