Hello Wahooligan friends,
I did my FF as a part of the Jan. challenge. I had done a few HMs before and I saw that the last time I did my FF was in April 2021. My numbers have not changed much since I last did my FF. HM has always been a hit or a miss as numbers did not align with FF. Current numbers are - NM-589, AC 218, MAP 146, FTP 112.
My specific weakness is “Sustained - You need to get more efficient at using oxygen for long, steady efforts”.
I would appreciate your input on which training program to choose for the next 12 weeks
I would do the 12 week general purpose plan or 3 of the 4 week block plans … Tempo…Threshold then MAP to make up the 12 weeks
I agree with ozmadman. I like to do the 12-week all purpose plan. It can be found in the plans under General Fitness. It includes a Half Monty after about six weeks and then culminates with FF.
Do you train indoors all year round or only during the winter months until outdoor riding is again feasible? This is my situation. I have the same weakness, sustained efforts, and have found that a reasonable course in the winter is the 12-week all-purpose plan, including resistance training if you have the time. You could then follow up with a 4-week FTP block, after which it will almost be time to start riding outside again.
I train year-round, indoors during the weekdays and outdoors from Spring until Fall. I have started resistance training as well. Based on the advice from @pkdaylu and @ozmadman I began on the 12-week general purpose plan at a high intensity. It’s not easy but will be sticking with it. Thank you everybody for your advice