If you want it to be green in your calendar, you will need to reschedule the workout so it is in the local date you want to do it on.
Edit: This is what I wrote on the same subject, which is the same thing with different words.
If you want it to be green in your calendar, you will need to reschedule the workout so it is in the local date you want to do it on.
Edit: This is what I wrote on the same subject, which is the same thing with different words.
I tested negative yesterday, still slightly breathless. Be kind to yourself.
Ok I have added to the suffering. I need to move house on the last day. Looks like I will be using the 50 window to do some afternoon and double day efforts
hat tip to you for the extra effort!
I’m signed up and paid up for ToS’22 but I also have a long standing commitment to do a 140km hilly outdoor ride this Sunday. Will get round but this ride will destroy me as training hasn’t gone to plan.
Need a little help trying to decide whether I should
A) delay my whole ToS by 1-2 weeks. I won’t get badge but I don’t really care about that - but a shame to not be a part of the buzz.
B) skip stage 1 and ride stage 2 at much reduced intensity on Monday. Crack on best effort (focussed option) for rest of tour from there?
Got to be (B) hasn’t it?
Option C = Do both then Flogging station #5
You can do the tour at any intensity (even 10%), and still be considered as part of the Tour, and get a badge.
That is an interesting question. I was going to pass on the ToS with a century ride scheduled on March 5th. That got knocked out by a change in work schedule so I was planning on doing it. Now I have been diagnosed with a grade 1 sprain of my vastus medialis in my left quad.
So riding hard in less than a week is out. Not sure my orthopedist will let me ride that long under any circumstances, but your question is something I would ike to know as well.
Either way, I will be making a donation.
@Critmark If the question you’re referring to relates to @Heretic’s "you can do the tour at any intensity (even 10%), then yes - of course. The ToS workouts are no different than any other regular workout - you just have to complete the stage during the daily window. Other than running through the entire video start-to-finish and hitting the “workout completed” button, I can’t imagine there’s any syst(e)m function that would NOT count your effort as completed.
For that matter, you could do a Knighthood attempt at 10% if you wanted…though in that case you’d CLEARLY be violating the spirit of the thing.
@CPT_A that makes sense. Now the issue is will doc let me do it at all. I would like to do it now at whatever effort level I can now and put it back on my calendar for later in the winter/spring when I can do it all out.
Why did you think there are Single Leg Drills for workouts?
Whatever you do…listen to your doc. Best of luck.
@GJStache53 Ideally, I’d be all over this option. Looked at doing stage 1 on Saturday before outdoor ride Sunday (but it’ll have to be afternoon as I’m in UK).
However, with a young kids, wife, job, wife (did I mention wife?). I think stress levels will reach 11 trying to fit it in!
Thanks for the the response.
I should get it done back to back, well I’ll be able to start the sessions but getting it done might be a stretch of reality.
I don’t see how you could sprain a muscle? that’s physically impossible, you sprain a joint but only strain or tear a muscle - usually diagnosed using ultrasound or MRI. muscle injuries (or in fact almost all injuries of our musculoskeletal system) heal best with an optimal loading scheme. best check with your physio
@IsiSchneider_KoS sorry I used the wrong word. I was thinking sprain. His word was in fact a strain. Thanks.
Did you ever find out anything about the 1% figure for FTP? I can’t imagine it is correct.
the error was/is in the description of the reduction only, there was no actual reduction in FTP on that one. Or at least there wasn’t when I checked.
Thanks for the information.
My 1st time doing ToS. Just got a wahoo kickr before xmas and have been sticking to the plan since the start of January. Really looking forward to it, although something I heard on a Geraint Thomas podcast has got me thinking…that 60 minutes on a trainer is equivalent to 100 mins on the road. Since ToS is circa 10 hours (including a few small warm ups after day 2), then it equates to almost 17 hours out on the road. At my average speed (16.5mph that would equate to circa 275 miles. I’ve not been cycling for that many years but that’s about the most I’ve done in a month…seems like a real challenge ahead. Don’t know if my maths is about right? Any advice or tips on how best to recover for each day would be welcome. I do like a physical challenge so focussed option is the plan.