Hi all, hoping for advice/encouragement. I plan to start the time trial plan on Monday aiming for an aquabike race on 12th June that I care about. To prepare I’d planned the HM/FF week for this finishing with FF today. I went off piste with the plan, I did HM last Thursday and went outside for an hour hilly ride which I took easy on Monday instead of Tapers. I missed Primers yesterday due to work. My HM numbers were down on my FF numbers from early January. But it was immediately after the end of a work day where I felt burnt out, and off the back of a rough time with work & life stress plus multiple colds. Today is also busy at work, and didn’t sleep wonderfully last night. The options I see are. 1. FF today and hope for the best. 2. Primers today and FF tomorrow, this means missing swimming 3. Other session today and accept last week’s HM numbers 4. Other session today and revert back to January numbers. I’m leaning towards 2 or 3. I really don’t think I did myself justice last week, but probably haven’t improved on January.
Other suggestions very welcome too. TIA