Guess what, let’s keep it a secret … I prefer when it was calle SufferSpeed
Oh dang it, they are indirectly pushing the blame away.
I am assuming your rides are recorded exclusively on the bike computer right? I am not sure if clearing the activities on the bike computer in mass storage mode will help things or not.
NO, indoor rides are stored in the apps[systx, TP, Garmin, Strava] only outdoor rides/workouts are stored in the device and I clean it 1xmonth.
As a couple of others have mentioned, I found success using a network extender plugged into my house’s internal power lines. One goes into a plug next to my router and is connected via CAT 5 cable. The other gets plugged in downstairs near where I need it. From there I use CAT 5 to my laptop. There are also versions that will generate a WIFI signal.
The best way to extend the network is surely with network cable, cat5e or cat6. If you can’t run it through the walls (or have it done), you can get little staples that hammer into your trim boards to run the cable neatly. If the run is actually longer than 100m, you can even add a powered hub. If you need wifi at the other end, plug a second wifi access point into the cat 5. Personally, I wouldn’t mess with powerlines, which are not designed for the task. Yes, they can work.
Well, both issues, workout loading and on screen stats have been solved …