The wahooligan tour stage 7 - official race thread

Well did Cremee ride first.
A bit fatigued, so did High time @ 90%.
Done and dusted for another year.


Fine effort Bob.

Congrats on finishing another ToS.



do you really have to look like you’re having so much fun?! This indoor cycling challenge thing is hard for some of us you know, Sir!! :wink: :wink: :rofl:


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Did no-one get the memo about the PIPIP penalty charges?


Finished. And completely spent. No way I can suffer with extra rides like many of you beasts! Now to get on a plane in a few hours and be away from the pain cave for a few days


Might I suggest SUFair! It’s the only turbo trainer powered airline in the world!


So, I won’t say my percentages, but I did finish both rides today and suffered gloriously. Much Suf holy water was collected for the minions. My pain cave now smells of pain suckers and shredded chamois. I will crack a bottle of the tears of the vanquished for my recovery beverage.

Well done to one and all!


are you suuuuuure you don’t want to give a minute by glorious minute recounting of the % perceived effort and the % or relative intensity plus maybe a graph comparing the two?

Edit: PIPIP Ol’ Chap! Tally ho and all that :wink:


Tour is done and dusted. I’ve been fighting a respiratory virus for a while now and didn’t think I’d be able to ride let alone finish but all in honor and support for DPF. Congrats to you all!

And for you Sir Glen :smirk:

This was my ride-a-along for Cremee as the video wouldn’t play.


Although my girlfriend supports (most of) my sporting endeavours, this is her greatest complaint, even though I launder my kit after every ride :slightly_frowning_face:

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During my KOS and long Saturday rides it definitely keeps the crowds of family members in my pain cave to a bare minimum. :smile:

Funky tunes and the Creemee video is fun, in a hurty sorta way and definitely worth doing at least once. Sir Ian is a good host. Congrats @RoseYarrow. Way to get it done. As for the pic…very clever :joy:

I am sure there was no video :see_no_evil:


I did not see this. I suspect that no matter how many times I ride High Time, I will never see this. I think I remember clocks at the beginning, but after that it kinda goes into a dark slobbery mess for about 30 minutes :man_shrugging:


Stage 7 a,b,c,d, and e (The Epilogue) complete. Le Tour est fini pour moi!

I’m a stubborn goat :registered:. By declining to ride any non-SUF rides on the Sufferlandrian Route I have also declined/forgone the badges for The Tour. That said, I didn’t take it easy (though I did swap out the OL Italian Lakes ride for Half is Easy :wink: )

Taking full advantage of the 50 hour window, yesterday, I replaced Sir Ian’s Creemee ride with Stage 7a: 14 Vise Grips + Stage 7b: Joyride (man do I miss Sir Dylan :frowning: )

Today was Stage 7c: High Time (Sir Francois’ swan song, man do I miss Sir Francois, it still hurts me to know he’s left The Company :frowning: ) but I DO love his parting salvo at the end and he’s immortalized me, well, he’s immortalized my old SUF shirt and I’m honoured to have worn it also and hope it gives him some joy. But wait, there’s more! Cuz 40 minutes hardly felt sufficient to close out a Stage on a Sufferlandrian Route, I added a bonus 36 minutes for Stage 7d: No Place Like Home, while you won’t suffer too much doing this one, you’ll suffer enough doing it on the 7th day of a Tour, especially after High Time :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: and I really just wanted another reminder of what makes the Sufferfest vids and Sufferlandria so GvA darn special. This one did it for me.

That could have been it. That should have been it. But nope, Tiago Branco was looking for something a little more epic. A little more, suffery, a little more Sufferlandrian.

I discovered on FaceBook that Sir Fran Hayes was planning a “break” between Stages 6 and 7 so he could complete a virtual Everesting on Alpe du Zwift, I thought the least we could do as Sufferlandrians was to offer our support by riding a single rep of the Alpe. Details on Stage 7: Epilogue here, if you’re wanting some additional suffering.

So, once I’d done 7c, and 7d, I was able to teleport to join Sir Fran on his final full lap for the last 5 (of 21) switchbacks until the banner. Then I took a break during the long descent as my avatar super tucked and reached speeds of 79 kmh, without me even being on the bike, :joy: when it got to the bottom, I hopped back on, did a U-turn and went back up to complete all the switchbacks I missed, plus one. Here is a memento of my short time with Sir Fran, I’m the one with the grey beard. We did not plan to wear the same kit, I’m guessing it was just the most Sufferfesty we could find.

And so, with that, my friends, I.Am.Done. See you at the tavern where everyone knows your pain.


I finished my tour this afternoon. Both parts of Stage #7 were tough for me. I still did them in survival mode, but did up my percentage ( not specified) from the previous stages.
The hard part was no real rest periods. It was just mentally tough to try to be always pedalling. Looking at a 30 minute interval was just so painful.
I will admit, I did not always pedal.
But, I did finish.
I am happy it was once again a Sufferlandrian Tour.
I get some people don’t like the corporate Wahoo stuff and their unfortunate name they have chosen to try and make a community.
Over recent years I have liked some of the non Sufferfest elements added to the Tour.
Exposing people to the yoga, mental, strength and other types of rides I think is helpful.
Much respect to those who object to the non Sufferfest elements, but I think one should do the Tour as laid out.

Off to the pub for some erm “recovery” drinks.


I also especially enjoyed the Mike Cotty interludes. Did all the DUF videos from both tours but the extra on location videos helped clear the head!



Anyone spotted the Easter egg towards the end of High Time yet?

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the one with Sir Francois in my old SUF shirt :heart::heart::heart:or something else?

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